The process of this adoption has been interesting, exicting, exhausting, intimidating and very much devinely guided!!
Chris has felt a call from God for a long time to do his will in so many areas of her life. Adoption being one of these areas, she has felt him calling her to Africa. Ted on the other hand did not necessarily feel or have a desire to adopt from Africa. So we decided to look at other countries. Through this process, God closed so many doors, it felt to us that maybe he didn't even want us to adopte internationally. However through these door closings we ended up back in Africa apparently right where God wanted us to be.
This has only been one of what we are sure to be many God inspired directions. We have come to realize, this is and has been a lot like marriage! In the words of comedian Tim Hawkins we have decided to "Buckle Up!" because it has the makings of an extremely wild and fun ride!